WZMQ 19 News is proud to be honored with six Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB) Broadcast Excellence awards and nominations for the 2023 cycle

The station won the Best Award in Special Interest Programming for its Winter Ready special. Weather forecaster Ariane Stassek was also named one of the two finalists in the Weathercast category.

Escanaba bureau reporter Lily Simmons received the News Reporter Merit Award.

Sarah Blakely was named as one of the two finalists in the Breaking News category. She and operations director Kenn Baynard also received the Merit Award for Marketing Materials & Promos for their UP200 promo.

WZMQ 19 is proud to share the station was nominated for 2023 Station of the Year.

The station and its staff will find out the results for the finalist nominations at the MAB awards ceremony April 6.