Washington D.C.

Lilly Broadcasting operates a full-time Washington D.C. bureau on Capitol Hill in the Senate Radio-TV Gallery. We are committed to reporting on locally-elected lawmakers, and their positions, priorities and votes. Our mission is to hold those sent to Washington by our viewers accountable for their actions in office.

Albany, New York

The company has opened a bureau in Albany at the New York state Capitol.  With our reporter based in the Legislative Correspondents' Association offices, our full-time focus is to cover legislators from the Southern Tier and Western New York along with state officials including those serving as Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Countless issues and decisions affect daily lives at the Pennsylvania State Capitol.  We track votes and positions of those elected to office and the controversies that often result. Based inside Pennsylvania's Capitol Building, our core mission is to inform the public of important developments on the Lilly television and radio stations in the states of New York and Pennsylvania.

Lansing, Michigan

Covering Michigan’s elected leaders, state senators and representatives from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and issues of importance to the U.P. for WZMQ 19 News.